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PulsaCoil Group - United Kingdom

Price match promise

If you see your product cheaper with another retailer before buying, call us on 0330 229 4190 and we’ll price match. If the price of a product you’ve ordered drops on our site, let us know and we’ll refund the difference.
We’re all looking for the best prices, even saving a couple of pounds can make a huge difference.
That’s why we’ll match the price of other installers if you find it cheaper somewhere else.

Our price match promise

We’ll price-match any product we sell against any other installer and even match discount codes and those all-important sales periods. Here’s what you need to do to get the best price:
  • Give us a call on 0330 229 4190
  • Let our friendly team know the thermal store details
  • Tell us where you have found it cheaper
  • Let our PulsaCoil team work their magic
That’s it! We’ll need to confirm the product’s price, so make sure you’ve got a link to it to hand. The whole thing should only take a few minutes and you’ll save some money too.

What if I’ve already bought my Boiler?

The savings don’t just stop there. If the price of your product drops on our site or you see it cheaper with another installer within 7 days of your installation, let us know by calling 0330 229 4190. Just give us the details and submit your request using our super easy price match form. After carrying out some checks, we’ll happily refund the difference, which will appear in your bank account within 7-10 working days. If you let us know after those 7 days, we won’t be able to match the price. T&Cs apply.

The important bits

No confusing jargon here, we are fully transparent.
  • We match against the current price of our competitor’s product, so best to have details to hand before you call us
  • We only price match against bonafide installers based in the UK, selling UK products
  • The product from our competitor needs to be exactly the same as the one on our site
  • The product must be available to order and pay for that same day
  • We don’t price match against in-store only deals, prices available only via memberships (including loyalty and reward schemes), or other trade sites
Please note that PulsaCoil Five Star prices are available exclusively to our members – we, therefore, don’t offer our ‘Price Match Promise’ on membership discounts and deals.